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Keep Smoking For JesuS  

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"The first time you're a visitor, the next time you're family."

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Bishop WIllie L. Monnet Sr.

Min. Claudette Monnet     



Thank you for visiting our site. We would love to share with you our love for Jesus Christ and the power of God to transform lives supernaturally.


The Bible says, "How good it is for brethren to dwell together in unity" to worship in one accord. (Psalm 133:1)


Our hope and trust is that the Living God will minister to your needs.

At Smoking For Jesus, we are not bound by tradition nor or we free to just let "anything go".


Our goal is to communicate Jesus Christ's death and resurrection that men might reflect as being lights and disciples in their community.


If you believe this is where the Holy Spirit is leading you to take part in this vision, you are welcome to join with us in reaching the lost. 



Join us as we spread the gospel Jesus Christ to you, our neighbor and the world. 

Our Mission


Our mission is to reach the neighborhood and surrounding areas with the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ; to teach them how to live and preach in such a way that will produce disciples.



We believe that both the Old and New Testaments are the inspired Word of God, revealing the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.


We believe in the revelation of God the Father to mankind through the virgin birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God. Moved by love in according with the will of the Father, Jesus Christ, having the nature of God took on flesh and dwelt among us.


We believe that man is redeemed by grace through faith in Christ's vicarious atonement for sins, the shedding of His blood on the Cross.


We believe that the gift of eternal life is available to all men, that those who receive Christ by faith are regenerated by the Holy Spirit and thereby become children of God.


We believe in the bodily resurrection of Christ, His imminent return, and the resurrection of His people.


We believe God*s plan for human sexuality is to be expressed only within the context of marriage, that God created man and woman as unique biological persons made to complete each other. God instituted monogamous marriage between male and female as the foundation of the family and the basic structure of human society. For this reason, we believe that marriage is exclusively the union of one genetic male and one genetic female. Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:5-6; Mark 10:6-9; Romans 1:26-27;1 Corinthians 6:9.


We believe that human life is sacred from conception to its natural end; and that we must have concern for the physical and spiritual needs of our fellowmen. Psalm 139:13; Isaiah 49:1; Jeremiah 1:5; Matthew 22:37-39; Romans 12:20-21; Galatians 6:10.


We believe that we must dedicate ourselves to prayer, to the service of our Lord, to His authority over our lives, and to the ministry of evangelism. Matthew 9:35-38, 22:37-39, and 28:18-20; Acts 1:8; Romans 10:9-15 and 12:20-21; Galatians 6:10; Colossians 2:6-10; 1 Peter 3:15.

Service Times
Services are held in our 

Multi-Purpose Center



Sunday School







Worship Service

9:15am CST




Monday 6PM CST

Ladies Bible Study  





Monday Night 7PM CST

Men's Bible Study





Tuesday 10am CST

Ladies Bible Study 





Wednesday 7PM CST

Discipleship CLass 





Saturday 8AM CST

Corporate Prayer




Catch Us
on the

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Men's Ministry

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Has our ministry been a blessing to you? Help us to keep sharing the good news of Jesus Christ through one of our sowing outlets below.

Thank You for your support

"You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God." 
2 Corinthians 9:11

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